...from the deepest dark...
Everything is nothing and nothing is everything.

xX ...oh, those crazy-ass drivers... Xx

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....my previous rants....

...What is Normal?...
Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016

...toddlers = baby vampires = truth....
Thursday, Sept. 01, 2016

..."We're forced to bed, but we're free to dream..."...
Sunday, Aug. 21, 2016

...it's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood...
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2016

...feelin' fine...
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2016

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moon phases

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the jaded
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the angsty
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marriage is love

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Wednesday, Jul. 27, 2016 - 1:53 p.m.

I'm counting down the hours, now.

I'm still hella nervous about going to the doctor, especially what happened with the specialist last time... but I have to get this fucking thing out of me before I stab a bitch.

Yesterday was the craziest day of driving I've had in awhile, and starting my period (I think?) while having some anxiety earlier in the day didn't help matters much. It began yestrday, actually, with a drunk lady in a small black car cutting me off and being overly careful about her lane changes. She was essentially attempting to change lanes without looking first, then looking and noticing a car that was too far away to be a danger, and swerving back into her own lane. She did this several times before I turned off to pick up Hubs from work.

Then, while I was driving to the bank, I was cut off by two people. Fine, that's cool. Right of way isn't really a thing anymore, is it? Certainly doesn't seem like it in my small town, but anyway... buddy in the white ghetto truck with the burned out left taillight decided to cut me off, then proceed to drive like an asshat. Alrighty then. We were headed in the same direction, apparently. There is a four-way stop down the street from my house which usually has a cop monitoring it, because, quite frankly, there are a lot of people who do rolling stops and it's a good place to hide since a lot of people park down that street, and it's hard to see him hiding there.

Sneaky devil.

I used to watch him Saturday nights. He'd whip on his lights at least four or five times and then drive back around the block to lie in wait again. So, I've learned to make DAMN sure I stop when I drive by there, because I know it's a hot spot. I mean, the cops in this town are bored enough they'll chase you for the small infraction, hoping you have something more on your license when they pull you over.

So, what does buddy do?

He fucking drives right through.

I honked at him twice because I'm a bitch and I'm actually kinda pissed off. there was a lady walking her dog who was almost at the crosswalk, and I doubt he would have noticed if she had been in the middle of the street. He seemed startled after I honked and tapped his break. I followed him since were were still driving the same direction, and eventually he got spooked and turned abruptly.

Or he was just intoxicated and/or an idiot.

The last encounter was with an aggressive driver. I was on my way to pick up Hubs last night, and I had the turning arrow to proceed left. I turned and was merging to the right, and there is another lane which is supposed to yield to traffic, but nobody ever really does for some odd reason.

Cue black and green monster truck dude in the turning lane to my right. I signaled right and checked my mirror, etc, and he was half a car length behind me. I didn't want to cut him off so I sped up to overtake him (he should have yielded to me, hence the yield sign) and he was well-behind me at this point. I glanced in my rear-view mirror, only to see him change lanes left, then signal back to the right and speed up behind me.

He was fucking. CHASING ME.

I mumbled out loud, "Are you fucking kidding me?" and continued driving normally, because... what the fuck ever.

It only started to get scary when he was right up my ass, matching me turn for turn, and I thought... okay, I'm going to call the cops if he gets out of his vehicle because that's intimidating as fuck. My doors lock automatically, thank god, but my adrenaline was pumping like crazy.

I finally turned into Hubs' work parking lot, and I watched as he slowed down, contemplating whether to follow me into the empty lot. I was terrified at this point and my heart was pounding. I wasn't trying to piss anyone off, and yeah, maybe I should have slowed down and let him in, but fuck... it's a main highway. I was just trying to speed up and overtake someone who was failing to yield, ie, driving like a putzhead.

At any rate, he obviously decided better of it and sped off without terrorizing me further. I fumbled with my phone to text Hubs and had a little cry after the adrenaline wore off.

I'm a good driver, or at least I try to be. I try to be safe, and give people room when they drive like idiots or cut me off because I don't want to die. I don't want to piss anyone off or cause an accident.

And I certainly don't enjoy being chased down by a guy with a small penis who drives a monster truck. It's just not my idea of a good time.

It's all because of BVJ. It's an annual country music festival they hold in town and it causes people to lose their goddamn minds. I usually am better prepared than this, but with the whole IUD biz it kinda caught me off guard this year.

Hubs and I are doing a final grocery shop before bunkering down. Kickoff is tomorrow night, but I think they let in a few of the campers today. The main road we use to get to and from everything we need is also the main road the concert traffic is diverted to.


On that note, I need to shower before we head to the store. It's sweltering here and I've got crazy boob sweat happening.



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