...from the deepest dark...
Everything is nothing and nothing is everything.

xX ...it's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood... Xx

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....my previous rants....

...What is Normal?...
Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016

...toddlers = baby vampires = truth....
Thursday, Sept. 01, 2016

..."We're forced to bed, but we're free to dream..."...
Sunday, Aug. 21, 2016

...it's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood...
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2016

...feelin' fine...
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2016

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moon phases

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the jaded
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Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2016 - 6:53 p.m.

I have mixed feelings about the day.

I'm happy to be rid of the IUD. I'm happy that I'm healthy. That is, that I'm trying to attempt to be healthy... er. I've been drinking a bit more lately than usual. Nothing to worry about, but it does tell me that something may not be quite right in my soul-cage.

I've been trying to keep up the daily walks with the Hubs. Again, nothing major. Just a simple walk around the block. We live on a pretty large block, mind you. It takes about a half hour at a pretty brisk pace, and it's not terribly difficult terrain. There's a small hill where the sidewalk goes up onto a berm, then along a stretch of highway across from a small pond. It's actually quite a nice walk, and we usually manage to see something interesting. Usually wildlife. Pets. Occasionally, a wild neighbour appears.

Today, it just so happened that it was a neighbourhood child who was starved for attention. I tried to be polite and engage him without changing my priorities, which was continue my pace without stopping. He said Hi to us from pretty far away. We said Hello. It looked as though he were waiting for us to get there from across the street, and immediately started spouting off his address when we were barely within earshot.

"That's where I live! We're going to a campout!" he explained rather loudly while twirling his scooter around.

"Sweet!" I replied as I passed him, "Camping's fun! Have a good time, eh?" and that was the end of my interaction. Of course, he was standing there still talking but I was already far enough away and I wasn't turning around. Poor Hubs kept turning around to talk to him, but I finally said he'll be fine, let's go.

There's just something about letting a small child run a conversation that I have no tolerance for. Furthermore, we are complete strangers and this kid is blathering on about where he lives and making sure we bring the marshmallows, etc. as if we were joining him on his camping trip. The house we were passing has a lot of kids playing in their yard at any given time, which leads me to believe it's either a daycare or a foster home. Either way, at least two of the children I've encountered are special needs, not including the boy I ran into today.

Another time, while I was walking past the same house, a little girl was throwing rocks into the street, until I happened by. I sort of stopped and said something to Hubs like, "Welp. That's not good..." when I heard a parental-type-unit bark at her through the screen door of the house and she went toddling off. Whatever. Not my lawsuit. Not my problem.

I turned down an offer from Jane to join a free exercise group, today. It didn't take me long to make up my mind.

I hate exercise, but I also hate doing it in front of other people. I sweat. A lot. I also get red in the face and lazy and flustered and gaspy - generally all sorts of not-awesome-looking things happen to me when I legit work out. Not like the casual walks through the neighbourhood, although I do tend to get red-faced and winded from those, too.

Christ, I'm out of shape.

Needless to say, I prefer to work out privately. Unless It's walking. Part of me thought she might just want something for us to do together, so I did offer to walk with her whenever she had the time/energy. She said something about buying a baby sling so we could do just that, so we'll see how this shapes up.

So, aside from drinking a little more than usual, I'm feeling better, looking better...

Hell, I even got catcalled today! Normally I hate that shit, but as Hubs and I were turning the final corner before heading home, a black car with it's windows down went through the intersection beside us.

"Look-ang gooooood!"

There was other hootin' and hollarin' but that was the gist of what I could make out. Hubs was oblivious, until I explained. Beats the hell out of "Lose some weight!", which I have also had the pleasure of having yelled at me whilst walking. That was years ago, but still. That shit's rough.

After they drove off, I smirked and said, "I know I look good; don't need them to tell me," and as we crossed the corner to our house I added, "Hey, you know they might have actually been talking about you..."

Hubs immediately struck a pose and said, "Oh, yeaaaah I'm lookin' goooooood..."

A little boosted confidence from an unlikely source, but I'll take it.

Welp, BroHam and KainTheRoommate are back from the bank, which means it's time to drink, vape and be merry!

Until next time,

Your friendly neighbourhood Azzy

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